I remember the times when it was just you and I
You were the guy that I loved to stand beside
While those girls walked past and rolled their eyes
Because they knew it was just you and I.
I remember the times when you would text just to say Hey
It would light up my day sending me into a whirlwind of emotions
As if I had drank a love potion,
I remember the times when we would watch movies together
Or I watched movies and movies watched you
But that didn’t matter because
I remember the times when you would hold me
As if you didn’t want to let go see you
Were the epitome of my fantasy
The backbone to my internal elation
Now if only I can introduce you to daddy.
And then it happened
I remember the time when there was no more you and I
Either you forgot to call or forgot to stop by
I remember the time when my smile turned upside down
And I thought I would drown in my heartache and pain
I remember the time when it was her instead of me
And I forgot how to breathe
Afraid to face you because
I knew I could not love you
I knew you would not hold me the way you used to
I knew there would be no more memories
And I would not remember the once you and Me.
Some People have the gift of speaking through poetry and other forms of art. I just happen to appreciate "Patience", and taking my time to listen. This was. . .an eye opener and another page of research. :)