(Being that I was sick this week I felt it was only right to post this Poem! Enjoy!!)
It is as if she had caught the common cold.
Her head was throbbing as it raced with the unconscious thoughts of the mind
Nose stuffed with the false images and perception that she sees in herself as she walks pass a covered mirror denying who she really is.
Throat sore from the lies being told on a day to day basis trying to hide from the truth behind silver and gold
Eyes burning turned a blood shot red from the many tears that were being held in and not being shed
Her body weakens- as she realize that she can’t use her mom home remedies like lemon and tea to hide from the truth hidden deep inside the body like cavities.
Deteriorating with each day the lies becomes plaque on the coronary arteries as it attacks the heart.
Down she goes Body convulsing, palms sweating, heavy breathing, eyes rolling, raised heart beat.
Done, dead, deceased, departed from the world, as the automated defibrillations of truth surges through her body.
Clear! Shock one release as she spit up all the lies she embodied inside soothing the inconsistencies of the mind which caused pain and suffering.
Clear! Shock two released as she becomes free from the heart ache and pain that had begun to drive her insane.
Clear! Shock three. She’s Alive! Realizing who she really is and that nothing in life is free and not even that has a guaranteed.
Much Love,
I liked that poem. Great way of combining sickness with lies!. Keep up the goodwork. I hope to read again.